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1. Blackhead treatment with Close up toothpaste black
One of the Close up toothpaste ingredients is silica, which has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, removes dirt and sebum on the skin. Therefore, many people have used Close up toothpaste black for the purpose of treating blackheads and acne.
After cleaning your skin, apply Closeup toothpaste to the blackheads and leave it overnight if your skin is fine (or wait 15 minutes and then wash it off if your skin is sensitive) every night before going to bed. Maintaining this habit 2-3 times a week can improve your acne condition.
Note: A small note is that you should not use too much Closeup toothpaste. Any type of Close up toothpaste easily removes oil from your face and makes your face dry. Therefore, you should apply a very thin layer to the acne spot. This will keep your skin from becoming dry and flaky.
2. Treat melasma with Close up toothpaste tube
Like acne skin, melasma also has a lot of low self-esteem for women, fortunately, now you can remove melasma with a Close up toothpaste tube.
Close up toothpaste white now not only keeps your teeth white and strong, but it also helps you to chase away acne spots, treat melasma, fade to give you smooth skin back. This method is used by many people because it is simple and fast with great results.
To treat melasma, you first need to prepare a Closeup toothpaste such as Close up toothpaste green, Close up toothpaste mints, or any Close up toothpaste types that you like. After that, please wash your face thoroughly with warm water and then apply a thin layer of Close up yellow toothpaste, for example, to the spots that appear on the skin. Then gently massage your skin (this step makes sure the layer of Close up toothpaste will penetrate into the skin) and then keep it for another 15 minutes. Finally, wash your face.
To get the best results, you should diligently do this method 2-3 times a week. The only downside of any Close up toothpaste types is that they can cause dryness and flaking of the skin. To keep your skin from drying out, you should use a little more moisturizer to provide moisture to help prevent skin dryness and tighten pores.
3. At-home waxing with Close up toothpaste in tube
Maybe you will be surprised with the superior waxing ability of Close up. First, you need to clean the hair area that you want to remove with warm water (this step makes sure there is no sebum or dirt on the skin).
Then, evenly apply a layer of Close up toothpaste on hands or feet (any type of Close up toothpaste such as Close up fire and freeze, Close up toothpaste red… are acceptable), at the same time massage in circular motions, about 30 minutes. Finally, rinse with clean water.
4. Close up wholesale
If you are looking for a Close up distributor or the cheapest price for Close up toothpaste products, G&G - FMCG companies in Vietnam will be a good choice.
G&G FMCG is one of the most trusted FMCG distributors in Vietnam which offers the best teeth whitening toothpaste including Close up! We are always committed to bringing you the best service!
Feel free to contact us to know more about Close up products and have the best wholesale toothpaste price!